Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Praisee Him

Thank you for all of your prayers! True light has contributed to this mission financially! God is definetly working through all of this and it has been a huge confirmation! Also, I started getting my shots! Please pray that all goes smoothly!! Love you all! Thank you!

Monday, March 15, 2010


For all of you praying for this mission, Thank you so much! God has provided so much motivation to get the ball rolling for this mission! I went to this bible study the other night and it was so motivating and encouraging to see God work through these people's lives and how on fire they are for the Lord. It was so aweseome because sometimes we loose track of how powerful the Lord is. But it was spiritually replenishing for me to witness this! Yesterday I interviewed with True Light Presbyterian Church for a scholarship. It went really well! Thank you so much for all of you who prayed for this interview! Your prayers have been so encouraging!

1. God will provide a motivation and a path for all my immunizations and travel insurance
2. That the scholarship money will be given to where it is most needed.
3. God will provide more leaders for Young Life ministry.
4. That this trip to Bali will make my relationship stronger with my young life girls and not diminish it.
5. Teachers- that they will allow me to take my tests early; especially Dr. Abramis
6. Provide prayer time for this mission with Abbey