Saturday, July 9, 2011


Hi everyone! CAMP IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! I really cant believe that camp is already here again. This is the best week of the whole year and I am so excited to bring NEW LEADERS to camp to experience Young Life at front battle. YOU are a huge huge part of building HIS kingdom and I am asking for your prayers as we are preparing to go to Woodleaf. This is so important because we cannot do anything without the Lord!

Prayer requests:

1. Please pray for the opportunity for all leaders going to camp to rest. REST is HUGE!! This is going to be a selfless week for each and every leader. Pray that they take a time out for the Lord to really just be still before Him.


Kellie Smith
Kayla Kudla
Blaire Pelvani
Corey Nissan
Greg Gallup
John Keppler
Matt Donahue

2. Pray for the kids hearts that are going to be going that the Lord will soften their heart and if it is in His timing that they will accept Him into their lives.

3. I have two girls going; hilary and brooke. Both girls will be Jr leading at camp. Please pray that they can grow even more serving Him at camp and just the opportunity to witness other kids lives being transformed right before their very eyes.

4. Please pray for the rest of my girls at home that they can be consistent and pray for the younger class going.

5. Please pray that I can have rest and replenishment before going to camp. Pray for my encouragement as well as a leader. Pray for the opportunity for me to BE STILL before the Lord and that I can have discipline in doing it.

6. Pray that the Lord will provide for all the finances for camp.

7. We have one more open spot for the bus. Pray that if it is in the Lords will that there will be one more kid going!

8. Please pray for Holly, Corin and Jordan as they are at Woodleaf at this very moment serving the Lord for a month! Pray that they can find strength in Him.

Thank you so much for all of your support! I am excited to update you when I return from camp!

Love you all!


Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hi friends and family!

This summer has been amazing so far. I went to a camp in Arizona called Lost Canyon to work for a month. Each week there were about 200-300 students from everywhere coming to experience camp. During my time there I was in charge of housekeeping with 9 other high school students. It was such a humbling experience but a precious time to grow with the Lord. I felt like the Lord really brought me back to my purpose in Young Life, to bring kids to the feet of Jesus and it isn't about me being the best leader or what not. It was a great experience and it was a blessing to be a part of bringing kids to Christ.

I just got back about 2 weeks ago and since then its been go go go! Im so excited to say that 3 of my Young Life girls are going to another Young Life camp to work for a month. This is going to be a ton of work but I know it will be a huge growing experience for them! I am praying that they will learn that they can find all their needs in HIM alone. Its crazy for me to think where these girls are at now in their walk with the Lord. How much they have grown already and just for them to be in community with so many believers is going to be awesome!

We have camp coming up in about a month!! Please pray that the Lord will soften these kids hearts and just show them His love. I was reading this today;

1 May God be gracious to us and bless us
and make his face shine on us—[b]
2 so that your ways may be known on earth,
your salvation among all nations.

3 May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.
4 May the nations be glad and sing for joy,
for you rule the peoples with equity
and guide the nations of the earth.
5 May the peoples praise you, God;
may all the peoples praise you.

6 The land yields its harvest;
God, our God, blesses us.
7 May God bless us still,
so that all the ends of the earth will fear him.

I thought this was so encouraging!!! God wants His ways to be known to everyone so he can guide them His great love. Praise God that the kids that are going to camp are going! We have around 46 kids going to camp this summer! Please pray that the financial needs will be met and encouragement and rest for all leaders before going! This is going to be an amazing experience for each and every one of these kids!

Thank you so much for all of your support in Young Life. You are a HUGE HUGE part of building HIS KINGDOM!

Love you all!
